I'm studying a course of psychology about interactions between children and parents. I worked yesterday evening on "attachment". I can't resist to give you some of what I discovered ! Get ready, it ain't as funny as the "cornichon sauteur"...
The theory of attachment is quite recent. His author John Bowlby, a psychanalist, describes attachment as a "lasting psychological connectedness between human beings".
There are different kinds of attachment styles, from correct one to uncorrect ones. You will find further explanations in http://psychology.about.com/od/loveandattraction/ss/attachmentstyle.htm (English)
and http://www.psynem.necker.fr/PedopsychiatriePsychanalyse/Dossiers/Attachement/BowlbyAinsworthMain/index.htm (French : Avis aux étudiants de l'IED, vous y trouverez tout le cours sur l'attachement, Ainsworth, Main et tutti quanti ! avec le visage énigmatique de M. Pierrehumbert racontant la "strange situation"!)
If a child has not had any chance to get attached to a care giver in his primary infancy, he's getting depressed and let himself dying, even though he's fed normally. No experience of that kind have made made, of course, but these kinds of conditions of living, unfortunatly, can be observed in certain orphanages, where too many children can't be cared after by too few adults.
It's frightening !
The theory of attachment allows to understand what is the link between resilience and attachment. Indeed, some children having lived the same traumatic events don't react the same way at all. Some will remain fragile or worth, deliquents, whereas others will be able to rebuild themselves thanks to the guidance of a "tutor". The difference between these two different behaviors is due to attachment. Those who have never experienced it won't be able to attach to the tutor, the others will be able to, thanks to the experience of attachment in their primary infancy.
La vie tient à peu de choses, n'est-ce pas ?
Ok ! Enough for today !
Enjoy the evening... and the week-end.
A bientôt !
2 commentaires:
Thanks for the info. I believe that the children who are attached to their parents become good person. Love is really necessary between parent and child.
exactly !
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