Sale temps pour les mouches en short aujourd'hui ! on dirait que l'été s'achève... Vent froid, températures qui baissent ! Rien ne va plus !
Du coup, le week-end dernier me semble loin. Et pourtant, je vous promets que les photos qui suivent ont été prises il y a quelques jours seulement. C'était à Frigolet, dans les Alpilles, une belle petite ballade qui mène à Boulbon et ramène à Frigolet par une jolie boucle... Admirez les photos et détendez-vous, le beau temps reviendra peut-être...
Bad weather for the flies in short outfit today! it sounds like summer is over… Cold wind, temperatures dropping! Nothing goes any more!
And last weekend seems far to me. And yet, I promise to you that the photographs which follow were taken a few days ago only. It was in Frigolet, in the “Alpilles”, a beautiful small ballade which leads to Boulbon and brings back to Frigolet by a pretty loop… Admire the photographs and take it easy, good weather may come back, who knows…
Du coup, le week-end dernier me semble loin. Et pourtant, je vous promets que les photos qui suivent ont été prises il y a quelques jours seulement. C'était à Frigolet, dans les Alpilles, une belle petite ballade qui mène à Boulbon et ramène à Frigolet par une jolie boucle... Admirez les photos et détendez-vous, le beau temps reviendra peut-être...
Bad weather for the flies in short outfit today! it sounds like summer is over… Cold wind, temperatures dropping! Nothing goes any more!
And last weekend seems far to me. And yet, I promise to you that the photographs which follow were taken a few days ago only. It was in Frigolet, in the “Alpilles”, a beautiful small ballade which leads to Boulbon and brings back to Frigolet by a pretty loop… Admire the photographs and take it easy, good weather may come back, who knows…
a tower at Frigolet
Nice landscape insn't it?
a mill close to Boulbon
for eyes pleasure
jumping gherkins!
a lonely horse in a fruit yard
un champ d'oliviers
an olive-tree field
une colchique...dans les prés, c'est la fin de l'été
an olive-tree field
a the field, this is the end of summer
5 commentaires:
Dear Géraldine,
Thanks for the comments. I answered them in my blog already, but wanted to come here and say really no need to thank me for the warnings - you are very welcome. I posted a preview image of the look of the new Madonna blog I'm creating. Feel free to express your opinion on it! And please if you know people from the old Madonna blog that now feel fooled and are looking for a home - let them know one is opening next week! =)
Take care
-Kimmo Matias-
bonjour géraldine
je viens de rentrer de mon premier jour de reprise des cours et je retrouve ces jolies photos,vous avez raison ca détend vraiment.
je vous envois un peu de soleil car ici il brille toujours et l'été n'est pas prés de nous quitter.
bpnne soirée
Such beautiful pictures!
Good Morning Gé !
Glad to see your message. I was about to discuss about all that happened but had to go out of my city so couldn't write. Yes, i was taken aback when the first day i saw the change. First i thought it was just a joke and she's just examining her fans but later i felt that he who did all this blunder must be a sick personality. First i thought he has hacked the blog ( though at some % i still believe this ) but later he deleted the blog just like a psychic killer do. I was so disappointed. Still thet is an official Madonna MySpace Profile and YouTube profile. I firmly believe that there are lot of fake people on net so never give them your personal information. Kim is doing a nice thing and am looking forward to his blog. Now i will comment on your blog. [ Thank God ! you are not famous so i believe that you are genuine. ;) ].
Have a nice week.
Hi to everybody,
thanks for your nice comments. Sure this blog is not a fake...
Hear from you soon,
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